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23 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude this Thanksgiving and Beyond

Updated: Mar 2

With Thanksgiving nearing, grocery stores have stocked shelves with cans of pumpkin and bags of stuffing. People are making travel plans to be with family and friends for the holiday. It is that time of year when Americans are gearing up for the ultimate feast. Turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, and, for Southerners, collard greens are some of the many foods on the traditional Thanksgiving dinner menu. But unlike the first Americans who celebrated this day before it was a holiday, we didn't brave an arduous trip across the ocean or suffer great loss and hardships preceding this savory, filling, and family-centered meal. The First Thanksgiving celebration included food, games, and, most notably, gratitude for a bountiful harvest and enduring a rough start in a new world.

By the end of the day on November 23, many of us will be full, sleepy, and on the couch watching football. Hopefully, we would have taken time to truly appreciate the meaning of this holiday because showing gratitude is important. It is so important that it shouldn't be limited to one day of the year. Research shows that people who take on an attitude of gratitude are happier.

Some time ago, I often found myself grumbling about work and my personal life. I realized it was bringing me down and decided my attitude needed some adjusting, so I consciously made gratitude a priority in my life. I wrote the word gratitude on a sticky note and attached it to my computer. It was my reminder to stay positive to the best of my ability. I still find myself grumbling at times because I am human. But still, if I had measured my happiness on a scale, it would have shown an increase. The effect of this effort had positive changes and the idea has stuck.

Being grateful doesn't mean you can take on challenges without getting frustrated. Amid a crisis, gratitude can be, understandably, hard to muster. It's challenging to find the good in every adverse situation life brings, but small sentiments of gratitude can add up to improve our overall happiness and well-being. The English and Native Americans not only gave thanks on the celebration in 1621, but giving thanks was part of their culture. It's probable that this quality contributed to the survival of the colony.

In my opinion, gratitude is essential to living your best life, and better if practiced daily. Thanksgiving is on the 23rd of this month, so I devised 23 ways to cultivate gratitude.

1. Thank people who help you even if it is their job.

2. End your day by listing what you've accomplished instead of criticizing yourself for what you didn't get done.

3. Start a grievance off with what you appreciate about that person or situation.

4. Find the silver lining in bad situations as best you can.

5. Mistakes are for learning, so be patient with yourself and others when mistakes are made.

6. When someone has wronged you, find a way to forgive. It might not come right away, but work towards forgiveness.

7. Compliment yourself and others sincerely.

8. Think of a negative situation from the other person's perspective.

9. Tell people what you appreciate about them.

10. Take breaks because you need time to appreciate the hard work you do.

11. Tell loved ones you love them often.

12. Thank a person who takes the time to show you they care.

13. Take a walk and appreciate nature.

14. Keep a gratitude journal.

15. Read positive memes or quotes.

16. Give small gifts just because.

17. Step up and do something nice for someone in the moment, like holding the door or letting them go ahead of you in high traffic situations.

18. Be nice to someone who is not nice to you.

19. Say daily prayers of thanks.

20. Write a letter thanking someone for how they positively influenced your life.

21. Do favors to be generous, not because you want something in return.

22. Humbly back away from people who want to argue with you.

23. Put differences aside at the dinner table. Make Thanksgiving positive, fun, and loving.

Remember, just like turkey is said to produce a chemical that makes us drowsy, happiness produces good chemicals in our bodies. While there is no single formula for happiness, gratitude is undoubtedly part of it. What will you do to show your gratitude this Thanksgiving and every day after?

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