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Books Aren't Dead!

Updated: Mar 2

In the 1990s, e-books emerged for sale in the market, and by the early 2000s, it had become a popular way of reading. E-reading continued to expand, and soon, public schools allowed students to bring e-readers to school. At the time, I wasn't ready to switch from reading paper books to reading electronically.

As the enthusiasm and variety of devices to read from grew, I took notice and finally bought myself a tablet. The fact that I could download a book in less than a minute, at a lower cost, and from the comfort of my home was enticing enough to think that I would make a complete switch to e-reading. But when my device broke, I chose not to replace it. The advantages of e-reading weren't enough to sell me on the idea that reading for pleasure is better electronically. Call me old fashion, but I missed holding a book in my hand, turning the pages, and seeing the cover when I closed the book.

E-reading is widespread and continues to be a thriving market, so is it possible that electronic books will replace paper books? When I see a bookstore go out of business, I fear this is possible. I did my own informal survey asking friends what they prefer. The results were pleasing. Overwhelmingly, people from a range of 18 to older adults still prefer reading paper books. I think it's safe to say, at least in my lifetime, that paper books aren't going to disappear like the video stores did. Books aren't dead!

Top Ten Reasons to Read a Paper Book

1. The overall experience is better! Holding the book, turning its pages, and even smelling the paper is multi-sensory and easier on the eyes.

2. You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can see it every time you close the book.

3. The library is exciting! Browsing the shelves builds anticipation as you hunt for the right book(s).

4. Most of us use computers for work. Reading paper books gives us a healthy break from screens. If you Google the health risks of too much screen time, you will find a plethora of information that tells us to get off our screens.

5. Many people read at bedtime. Studies have shown that screen time in the evening prolongs falling asleep. You're likely to sleep better after reading from a paper book.

6. You can take a book to the beach without worrying about ruining an expensive device with sand or water. Furthermore, reading print off a screen is hard when sitting under the sun.

7. After finishing a book, it's nice to have it as a keepsake. The spines with the printed titles look fantastic on a bookshelf!

8. You can highlight information. While highlighting in electronic books is possible, there is something satisfying about squeaking a real highlighter across the print to mark up what you want to remember.

9. No power is needed. You don't need to charge paper books.

10. Paper books can be shared with friends!

Do you prefer reading e-books or paper books? Will paper books one day be antique relics from the past? Leave your thoughts below.

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